This entry was posted
on 2.07.2009 at 4:44 PM.
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© 2007 Kandoken
dooo eeeeeeeht!
3:30 AM
How about 150 pages for $30? Now that;s a bargain
2:50 PM
Wow. Any sketchbook you produce would have to be a purchase for me.
You should totally do it- you'd rake in the monies AND share your art with people at the same time :D!
As for content, you're definitely good with the Tokusatsu and Fighter genres; and your human anatomy is incredible- as is your taste for color and values(you stuff'd kick ass even in a black-and-white book).
You have a lot to work with, so you would hardcore not limit yourself. I would definitely LOVE to see some Zyu/Dairanger stuff in the book. You gotta keep one to the side for me when you get a book out, though :)
10:54 PM
Oh man, if you released a book I'd buy it. XD DAIRANGER~
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